Contact Us

We would love to hear from you or to see you. Give us a call or stop by and let’s chat!

Phone: (208) 426-3276
Address: The Alumni and Friends Center at 1173 University Drive, Boise, ID 83706.

University Leadership


Marlene Tromp
John Buckwalter
Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Alicia Estey
Chief Financial and
Operating Officer
and Vice President
for Finance and Operations
Matthew Ewing
Vice President for
University Advancement
Nancy Glenn
Vice President for
Research and Economic Development
Jeremiah Shinn
Vice President for
Student Affairs and
Enrollment Management
Jeramiah Dickey
Executive Director
of Athletics
Bill Brady
Chief Human Resource Officer
Lauren Griswold
Chief Communications
and Marketing Officer

Associate Vice President
for Strategic Planning
and Special Initiatives,
Director of the
Institute for Advancing
American Values,
Dean of the Honors College
Shawn Benner
Dean, College of
Innovation and Design
Jenn White
Special Counsel for
Government Relations,
Assistant Vice President
for Finance & Operations
Brian Wampler
President’s Professor of
Public Scholarship and Engagement
Alicia Garza
Professor and
President’s Fellow

Campaign Leadership


Randy Hales (Chair) Emily Baker Argia Beristain
Allen Dykman Matthew Ewing Chuck Hallett
Zach Higgins Darren Kyle Cheryl Larabee
Jim Martin Royanne Minskoff Bruce Mohr,
Stacy Pearson Ryan Relyea Rick Stacey
Brandy Stemmler Glen Walker Matt Wolff

University Foundation Board Officers


Jim Martin (Executive Chair) Bruce Mohr (Vice Chair) Brandy Stemmler (Immediate Past Chair) Rick Pedigo (Secretary)
Glen Walker (Treasurer, Finance and Audit Committee Chair) David Wali (Real Estate Committee Chair) Kimberly Welsh (Governance Committee Chair)

University Foundation Board of Directors


Emily Baker Odette C. Bolano FACHE, MHA, BSN Kenny Bolton Allen Dykman Ted Epperly
Debbie Flandro Randy Hales Korey Hall Chuck Hallett Zach Higgins
Darren Kyle Cheryl Larabee Rod MacKinnon Bernadette Madarieta Jason Manning
Mike Mers Royanne Minskoff Brent Moylan Stacy Pearson Ryan Relyea
Michael Reynoldson Jennifer Seamons Rick Stacey Richelle Sugiyama Matt Wolff
Holli Woodings Brian Yeargain Abbie Belthoff (Honorary, Alumni Association) Bob Vorbeck (Honorary, Bronco Athletic Association) Roger Michener (Honorary, Emeriti)
Paul Powell (Honorary, University Foundation)